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Oxford Business Group: Medical tourism, a growing sector in Morocco

The international economic intelligence firm, Oxford Business Group (OBG), highlighted, in an analysis, the growth of the health sector in Morocco where the country is beginning to make its way among the preferred destinations for European patients. The country has many assets, including a solid tourist infrastructure and a climate which attract foreign patients wishing to combine light medical care and convalescence stays in tourist complexes, notes the think-tank, maintaining that the most promising niche in Morocco concerns cosmetic surgery, laser eye operations and dental implants which are not considered essential care and are therefore not well covered on the Old Continent. The source indicates as an example that a cosmetic surgery procedure in Morocco can cost between 30 and 50% less than in Europe. Morocco has 80 plastic surgeons and 10 specialized clinics. Nearly 15% of the approximately 14,500 cosmetic surgery operations that take place each year in Morocco are performed on foreign patients, specifies the same source. She notes that dental tourism is also growing rapidly and attracts older patients from French-speaking European countries, such as France, Belgium and Switzerland, as well as Moroccan emigrants settled in Europe. Medical tourism in Morocco attracts foreign investors, adds the firm, recalling that a Portuguese group plans to open a medical-surgical complex worth 24.1 million euros by the end of the year in Dar Bouazza, 20 km south of Casablanca. The complex, which will employ 40 specialists and will consist of a five-star hotel and a therapeutic spa, mainly targets an older and retired European clientele, indicates the group, noting that the treatments offered will focus on cosmetic and dental surgery. , as well as laser eye operations.

Source : Aujourd'hui le Maroc

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"GMHealth is a medical travel facilitator based in Morocco. It coordinates care by organizing, securing, integrating and adapting existing clinical, travel, and destination resources needed for any client to reach the desired outcome.”
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