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About Morocco

Healthcare System Overview

Positioned as a hub between Europe and Africa, Morocco is emerging as one of the most desirable locations for investment in health and wellness. 
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Wellness Tourism

Morocco, being beautifully bordered by coastlines, is home to a variety of wellness cures . SPA, thalassotherapy, balneotherapy or thermalism, inject some mindfulness and relaxation, and reach nirvana !.
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Medical Tourism

Known for years for its excellence in healthcare, Morocco has continually increased its value proposition by promoting quality and international standards.
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Medical Tourism

Morocco’s strength lies in the high quality of its health care services, which is based on the following:

Highly qualified physicians, nurses, pharmacists and medical engineers.

Competitive costs of medical services.

Quality programs in the hospitals.

NO waiting time.

Competitive costs of medical services.

Investor-friendly business environment with world-class medical infrastructure, including hospitals and research organizations.

Availability of effective health insurance options.

Known for years for its excellence in healthcare, Morocco has continually increased its value proposition by promoting quality and international standards.

"GMHealth is a medical travel facilitator based in Morocco. It coordinates care by organizing, securing, integrating and adapting existing clinical, travel, and destination resources needed for any client to reach the desired outcome.”
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